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A hard-earned 0-28 to 1-18 victory over Lorrha in Borrisokane has secured a place in the last sixteen of the county championship for the third year in a row. A damp and dark evening saw the latest instalment of this ancient rivalry which goes back to the time of the De Wets. MacDonaghs lined out without Brian O’Meara, Darragh Peters and Ray McLoughney while Lorrha were short the services of Brian Hogan. Lorrha were quicker out of the blocks and led by 0-5 to 0-2 after eight minutes. Even at this early stage it was obvious that both defences were under pressure. MacDonaghs were playing much more direct hurling than in the previous game and the forwards looked very threatening. After twenty-six minutes Lorrha held a two-point advantage with the score 0-10 to 0-8 in their favour. Then came a crucial phase of the game. The Magpies hit five points before the break while Lorrha added just one point to their tally. The game had turned in favour of the boys in black and white and they adjourned to the dressing room at half-time with a two-point advantage and a pep in their step. Half-time score: MacDonaghs 0-13, Lorrha 0-11.

James Williams, who had notched two points in the first half, was unable to resume his place and James Cleary was introduced. Brian Hogan came into the action for Lorrha at centre-back. The first ten minutes of the second half were very even and after 38 minutes MacDonaghs led by the minimum. Kilruane were beginning to get control of the game and hit five points without reply. Buggy had been thrown into the fray at this stage and he was to contribute two valuable points. Lorrha were thrown a lifeline when Bonner Maher scrambled a goal and they added two white flags to cut the deficit to a point. MacDonaghs responded to the challenge in magnificent fashion and reeled off four points in a row. Lorrha replied with a point, but the Magpies had their tails up and fired over three unanswered points for an eight-point victory, a place in the last sixteen of the county championship and a pace in Roinn 1 of the county championship in 2017.

This was the best performance of the season so far with the direct hurling creating more scoring opportunities. It was obvious that the management had drummed this message into the players. 0-28 will win most games but on the other side of the coin the concession of 1-18 will generally lead to defeat. A little more composure will tighten the defence — four first half points were coughed up when we had control of the sliotar. The forwards can be very pleased with the final tally and when the support play improves, as it must, and players sweep in on the breaking ball they can threaten any defence. So far, it is job well done. Next on the agenda is the quarter-final of the North championship which will probably take place in late June.

Team: Thomas Williams, Stephen Cleary, Jack Peters, Éanna Hogan, Willie Cleary, Niall O’Meara, Eoin Hogan, Justin Cahill (0-1), Tomás Hogan, James Williams (0-2), Conor Cleary (0-4), Seamus Hennessy (0-9), Thomas Cleary (0-3), Kieran Cahill (0-6) and Cian Darcy. Subs: James Cleary (0-1) and Brian O’Meara (0-2).

Under 14
In the latest round of the football championship MacDonaghs lost out to Inane Rovers on a 2-11 to 2-1 scoreline. Team: Kevin McDonald, Eoin O’Meara, Shane McAteer, Ciaran Coffey, Nessa Minogue, David O’Sullivan, Rory Grace, Páidí Williams (0-1), Shane Whelan, Nathan Lynch (2-0), Colm Cleary, James Loughnane, Pádraig Coonan, Cormac Doheny and Oisín Carroll. Subs: Kevin Naughnane, Cillian O’Neill, Paul Dwyer, Cian White, Fionnan Hurley and Georgie O’Leary.

Under 10
MacDonaghs travelled to Puckane and played two very enjoyable games against the hosts. Thanks to Kiladangan for their hospitality.

Clothes Collection
The MacDonaghs juvenile and camogie clubs are organising their annual Clothes Collection next week from Monday, 16th May to Saturday, 21st May. This is a painless way of raising much-needed finance for both clubs. Bags can be dropped into the Complex on each day between 9.00am and 12 noons or brought to training in the evenings. We had a tremendous response in previous years and we anticipate that supporters will rally to the cause once more.

Club History
The updated club history, “Kilruane MacDonaghs 1970-2013, Heirs to a Proud Tradition,” will be published on 14th October. For as little as €50 you too can be part of that history by becoming a patron. All patrons will be acknowledged in the publication and there is a suggestion that a plaque be erected in the clubroom with the names of the patrons inscribed on it. Contact Gilbert Williams 087-2176452 to ensure that your name is included. We are looking for MINIMUM of 100 patrons to get this project off the ground. To date we have 59 patrons who have pledged €3,200. We have patrons from Kilkenny, Dublin, Laois, Shannon Rovers, Burgess and Nenagh. Can we count you in? We are holding a space for your name but we can’t hold it indefinitely.

Cúl Camp
The annual Cúl Camp will be held in MacDonagh Park, 4th-8th July. Last year 135 participants enjoyed a fun-filled week at the camp. Don’t miss out this year. You can register on line at Application forms will also be available next week.

Tipperary Draw
The Tipperary GAA Clubs Draw commences on 20th May. This is a vital source of income for the club. There is a Prize Fund of €500,000. There are a total of sixteen cars to be won as well as flights to Australia, holidays to Lapland and Florida, Cheltenham trips, golfing holidays and cash prizes galore. You can by contacting any member of the committee.

County Fleadh
Thanks to all club members who helped out as stewards with the County Fleadh in Cloughjordan. Congratulations to Ballycommon CCE on organising a fantastic week of music and culture.

Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Betty Walsh Carrick-on-Suir and formerly of Lisgarode, Kilruane.