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Forty-eight members, including a healthy sprinkling of players, assembled in the clubroom on Friday, 11th December for the Annual General Meeting. Prior to the meeting, Fr. Ger Jones celebrated the annual Mass for deceased members in Cloughjordan Church. In a comprehensive and concise report, which was available in booklet form to all present, secretary, Mary McLoughney and assistant secretary, Gilbert Williams reviewed the progress of our teams in 2015. Kevin O’Brien presented a very detailed set of accounts, which showed a healthy financial performance by the club in 2015. Kevin gave clear and satisfactory explanations to all queries and members thanked him for putting his expertise at the disposal of the club.Tributes were paid to treasurer, Joan Melia and assistant treasurer, Michael Cahill for their customary prudent management of the club finances. Joan has decided to step down after her three-year term and the meeting decided that the position of treasurer will be filled at the Adjourned AGM. In a well-crafted address, chairman, Matt Cleary reflected on his first year in office and outlined the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in 2016.

The following were elected: Presidents, Tom Cleary, Paddy McCarthy, Tom McLoughney and Fr. Enda Burke; Vice-Presidents, Martin O’Meara, John Heenan, Carmel Daly and Joe McCarthy; Chairman, Matt Cleary; Vice-Chairman, George O’Leary; Secretary, Mary McLoughney; Assistant Secretary/PRO, Gilbert Williams; Assistant Treasurer, Michael Cahill; Registrar, Carmel Daly; Child Welfare Officer, Mark Spain; ASAP Officer, Seán Ward; Injury Claims Officer, Kay Cahalan; and North & County Board Delegate, Gilbert Williams.

Club president, Tom Cleary launched the Yearbook after the AGM. The 84-page publication, with 157 photos, is now in sale in Austin’s, Murphy’s and Rohan’s in Cloughjordan. It can also be purchased in O’Sullivan’s, Ardcroney. You can also contact Gilbert Williams 087-2176452 to obtain a copy.

Adjourned AGM
The Adjourned AGM will be held on Friday, 15th January at 8.00pm. Players and supporters are asked to keep that night free in their diaries.