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The clubroom was packed to capacity for a very successful Annual General Meeting on last Friday night — it was the largest attendance since 1970 AGM, the night the club voted in favour of abolishing the Ban. There was lively debate and discussion, with members actively participating in the proceedings. Prior to the meeting, a large crowd assembled in Cloughjordan Church, where Fr. Tom Hannon celebrated the annual Mass for deceased members. Secretary, Mary McLoughney and assistant secretary, Gilbert Williams presented a comprehensive report to the meeting. The report, which can be viewed on the website, gave a detailed account of all games played by club teams. On behalf of treasurer, Joan Melia and assistant treasurer, Michael Cahill, accountant and club member, Kevin O’Brien presented a very detailed set of accounts, which showed a healthy financial performance by the club in 2014. Tributes were paid to Joan and Michael for their prudent management of the club finances. In his final address, outgoing chairman, George O’Leary reflected on his five-year term in office. The nomination process worked very effectively and all positions were filled: Presidents -Tom Cleary, Paddy McCarthy, Tom McLoughney and Fr. Enda Burke; Vice-Presidents - Fr. Tom Hannon, Martin O’Meara, Michael Banaghan and John Heenan; Chairman - Matt Cleary; Vice-Chairman - George O’Leary; Secretary - Mary McLoughney; Assistant Secretary/PRO - Gilbert Williams; Treasurer - Joan Melia; Assistant Treasurer- Michael Cahill; Registrar - Carmel Daly; Child Welfare Officer - Mark Spain; ASAP Officer - Seán Ward; Injury Claims Officer - Kay Cahalan; North & County Board Delegate - Gilbert Williams. Team managements will be finalised at the Adjourned A.G.M. which will take place in January. The club would like to thank George O’Leary for successfully guiding the club for the last five years. Matt Cleary was the unanimous choice to fill the chair. Matt has given sterling service to both the club and finance committees and he will bring renewed energy and dynamism in his new leadership role. Thanks to Len Gaynor who has stepped down from his position as county board delegate. Len was a great ambassador for the club and his opinions were well respected in the boardroom.


Club president, Tom Cleary launched the Yearbook on last Friday night. Sales have been very brisk and the sold-out signs will be appearing very soon. The seventy-two-page publication contains one hundred and thirty nine photographs and gives a comprehensive account of all G.A.A. and camogie activities during 2014. The book is available in local shops in Cloughjordan and O’Sullivans, Ardcroney. You can also contact Gilbert Williams 087-2176452 to secure your copy.

Carmel Daly, Michael Cahill, John O’Meara and Gilbert Williams represented the club at the North Convention in Toomevara. Len Gaynor, Michael Cahill and Gilbert Williams were the MacDonaghs delegates at the County Convention in Thurles.

The club extends sympathy to the family of the late Johnny Walsh, Kyle.