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County Final
Commiserations to the U21 hurlers who lost out to Thurles by the minimum of margins in a gripping county final. A herculean effort just fell short in testing conditions. Thanks to the players who left in all on the field in Dolla. They refused to accept defeat in an absorbing second half and few would have begrudged them a second chance. Thanks to: John Hyland (Manager); Paddy Williams (Coach); Vincent McKenna (Assistant Coach); Mark O’Leary and John Quinlan (Selectors); Jimmy Cahill (First Aid) and Tom Quinlisk (Equipment) for their commitment and dedication throughout the campaign. Both players and management are to be complimented on the dignified and sporting manner in which they accepted defeat. It was heartening to observe that players and management remained united in defeat. This is a good omen for the future. The retention of the North title was a major achievement and should give a major boost to all MacDonaghs teams in 2014. Thanks to our supporters who turned out in huge numbers in Dolla. It was great to see the banners and flags throughout the parish. Congratulations to Sarsfields on retaining their title.

A very successful and one of the best attended Annual General Meetings in recent years was held in the clubroom on last Friday night. Prior to the meeting a very large crowd assembled in Cloughjordan Church, where Fr. Tom Hannon celebrated the annual Mass for deceased members of the club. Thanks to Helen Deane and her colleagues in the choir for enhancing the liturgy with their wonderful singing. Chairman George O’Leary welcomed the large gathering to the meeting. Secretary Mary McLoughney and assistant secretary Gilbert Williams presented a comprehensive report to the meeting. The report, which can be viewed on the website, gave a detailed account of all games played by club teams. On behalf of treasurer Joan Melia and assistant treasurer Michael Cahill, accountant and club member Kevin O’Brien presented a very detailed set of accounts, which showed a healthy financial performance by the club in 2013. Tributes were paid to Joan and Michael for their prudent management of the club finances. In his chairman’s address George O’Leary outlined his vision for the future direction of the club. Attendees showed a great willingness to accept posts of responsibility and all positions were filled with the minimum of fuss:

Presidents- Tom Cleary, Paddy McCarthy, Tom McLoughney and Fr. Enda Burke;

Vice-Presidents - Fr. Tom Hannon, Martin O’Meara, Michael Banaghan and John Heenan;

Chairman - George O’Leary;

Vice - Chairman - Michael Hogan;

Secretary - Mary McLoughney;

Assistant Secretary/PRO Gilbert Williams;

Treasurer - Joan Melia;

Assistant Treasurer- Michael Cahill;

Coaching Officer - Len Gaynor;

Registrar - Carmel Daly;

Child Welfare Officer - Mark Spain;

ASAP Officer - Sean Ward;

Injury Claims Officer - Kay Cahalan;

County Board Delegate - Len Gaynor;

North Board Delegate - Gilbert Williams.

In a new departure the club decided that each school in the parish would have a separate liaison officer. It was agreed to leave these appointments to the juvenile committee.

All managerial positions were also filled:

Senior Hurling - David Quinlan (Manager), Dinny Cahill (Coach), Brian Gaynor and Mick Cleary;

Junior ‘A’ Hurling - Matt Cleary (Manager), Pat Quinlan and Brian Gaynor;

U21 Hurling - John Hyland (Manager), Paddy Williams (Coach), John Quinlan and Mark O’Leary;

Minor Hurling & Football - Jimmy Cahill (Manager), DJ Hayes and Colin England.

Junior ‘C’ Hurling - Pat Shanahan (Manager). The selectors for this grade will be ratified at the Adjourned AGM.

Christmas Greetings
The Kilruane MacDonaghs club would like to wish all members and supporters at home and away a peaceful and pleasant Christmas. In particular we send good wishes to all our parish exiles. Thanks to all parishioners and for their continued support and loyalty.