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There was a very good attendance at the Adjourned Convention in the clubroom. Brian Gaynor manager of the minor team named Michael Cleary, David Quinlan, Michael Hogan and Dinny Cahill as his selectors. There was a good discussion on the affiliation of the minor team with many contributions from the floor. The general consensus was that the minor team should enter the A championship. Gilbert Williams suggested that the A championship be seeded and the meeting decided to forward a motion to the North Board.

It was also agreed that the minors should enter a football team. Members also debated the affiliation of an u-21 football team. The majority present felt that the u-21s had no interest in football and were over burdened with hurling games both for club and college so it was decided not to affiliate an u-21 football team for 2008. It was agreed unanimously to enter a junior football team in the championship.

Gilbert Williams gave a progress report on the club’s motion to the County Board in relation to the senior hurling championship. Support was coming from the four divisions and it looked like the tide was turning in favour of the Kilruane MacDonaghs motion and against the status quo. Fr. Sheehys had tabled a similar motion to ours, which also proposed a revitalized divisional championship and the abolition of relegation. All agreed that it was of the utmost importance that one of the motions succeeded.

John Cahill reported on the efforts to select the most appropriate site for the hurling wall. John and a number of other club members had met with Finbar McLoughney and had inspected a number of sites. John explained the advantages and disadvantages of each location. Roche Williams had some reservations about the sites chosen and suggested a number of alternatives. It was decided to look at these and report back to the next meeting.

Connie Grace announced that the sub committee appointed by the club to assess the different fund raising options was recommending club a 600 club and said that it would take a huge effort to make it a success. The money raised would be used to finance the construction of the hurling wall. The sub committee had considered all options but deemed the 600 club the most effective way of raising the €35,000 needed.

Connie Grace announced the composition of both the finance and games committees. He nominated Christy Morgan as chairman of the games committee. The first committee meeting was fixed for Friday February 8th. The finance and games committees were scheduled to hold meetings prior to this.

The meeting sent its best wishes to Kevin Ryan who is recuperating after an accident.